Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Things I Need Tuesday

Greetings, and welcome to the next installment of:


  • My driver's license. Still.
  • A white dress that is not trashy/nightgown-y.
  • To stop spending so much money on food.
  • Summer weather, not this cold rain nonsense.
  • Lost/Arrested Development/Friends to be back on the air!

Miss you guys, call me!!

  • A big big bonus so I can travel guilt-free.
  • A camera. Which I won't buy because I am broke.
  • To write a genius book series like ol' JK Rowling, and then just live life as an eccentric billionaire a la Richard Branson forever and ever and ever (I'll pay for magic technology that lets me live forever with my wizard money).
Admit it, you want to be this guy.  Who doesn't?

  • To activate the credit card I got in the mail two weeks ago and have yet to use...why does opening an envelop terrify me? Because it is like opening the envelope to my adulthood.
  • NO RAIN on Saturday so our Super Awesome Mega Badass Boston Scavenger Hunt can be absolutely perfect and 100% fun.
  • Oh, an apartment.
  • Related: a lock on my door so my mom doesn't walk into my room twenty minutes before my alarm goes off, turn the light on, put the dog on my bed, and tell me I need to get the laundry.  NO, MOM, I AM A GROWN-UP, I HAVE A CREDIT CARD AND EVERYTHING SO YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO wahh.
My life if I were a dude.  Is that a dude?  I don't know anymore.

But there you have it, all the things I need on Tuesday, June 14th.  Anyone else craving anything in particular today?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Woes of Singledom

Confession: I am single.  In high school and college that was fine because, hey, I was young and most people are single and ready to mingle anyways.  I'm not necessarily okay with being single, but I am used to it because I always have been.

"Enjoy is such a strong word...I...I'm used to it. 
You know, like cafeteria food, or the constant threat of terrorism."

- JD, Scrubs

But I've started to realize that I am entering that dreaded phase of my life where being single is even more of a drag.  There are now events other than prom where bringing your "other half" is expected...for example, my company's summer kickoff party. We got this invite about a month ago:

"Please bring your significant other."  I do not need this kind of pressure, okay, job?  I just want to go with my work friends and get drunk and then be collectively hungover and miserable the next day.  The whole "wear white" is an issue in itself - I don't need the added stress of being the only single kid there.

So I emailed Reception saying I would be attending, and get this message back:

"Thanks, Liz.  Will you be bringing your significant other?"

This picture pretty much sums up my feelings on the situation.

No, Reception, I am not.  Luckily though, most of my work friends are single too so we're just going to go as a group, so I know it will be a lot of fun!  Work hard, play hard - this is my department's motto.

In other news, what is with this weather?  Cold, rainy...bring back the sun!  I need to go out tonight in my white shorts and shake my thang with my girls.  This was a long stressful week, so I cannot wait :)

Have a great weekend, blogger!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Have You Ever

Has anyone ever forgotten what they were doing, as they were doing it?  Like something simple?

Yesterday I was walking up the stairs at the T and forgot how to go up stairs.  I literally stopped midstep and thought, how am I doing this?  What do I do next?  Why am I not falling down?  What are stairs?

But then I put my foot down and felt better.

Anyways, this is what I'm thinking about on a boring hot Thursday at work instead of working.  Youth of America, people.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things I Need Tuesday

Boys and girls, welcome to the first installment of Liz's 

  • Spring work clothes
  • To go back in time and NOT eat what I just did at Chili's
  • A working AC
  • The ability to tan and not roast in the sun
  • An apartment
  • A duplicate license, since I lost mine in Boston and some 18-year-old twatface is probably now using it as a fake
  • To go to Versailles before I die
  • To actually work out when I plan to and not look for the tiniest excuse to like, nap instead
  • To not bring work-related stress home with me - I do NOT need to be worrying about your kid's flights when I'm trying to fall asleep at night!
  • Friends who watch Doctor Who, so I can FREAK OUT with them about the INSANE finale...any Whovians out there??  Pretty please?  I'll give you custard and fish fingers..
  • To have more nights with my friends like this:

Coop's watching the Bruins, bar food, and pitcher after pitcher of...ice water.  I mean, it's a work night!  I can't be drinking the beers and the alcohol, girl's gotta get up early.  But it was a lot, lot, lot of fun.

And there we have it.  All the things I need that I could think of off the top of my head on this Tuesday.  Tune in next week, for an even longer list of THINGS I NEED!

(PS: That picture up there represents greed.  Because I'm talking about superficial things I need.  I am deep, ya'll)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Apple a Day

Yesterday I had to take a sick day, which I've never done at my big-girl job before.  I mean, college and Panera...I skipped all the time. But yesterday I was throwing up and literally couldn't stand without getting a massive dizzy spell. I still showered and started to get dressed and tried to go to work - until I went to put my contact lenses in and I almost fell over.

So I had a day off, filled with delirious naps with my dog and Netflix episodes of Psych.  I moved from my room to the living room to my parents room each time whatever space I was in got too hot or cold.  I felt like this all day:

Plus nausea!  Fun timez.  But I'm back at work today, still slightly ehhh but I am still going out for happy hour with my friend and some of her coworkers.  I mean, beer is good for you, right?

To good decisions!