Yesterday I had to take a sick day, which I've never done at my big-girl job before. I mean, college and Panera...I skipped all the time. But yesterday I was throwing up and literally couldn't stand without getting a massive dizzy spell. I still showered and started to get dressed and tried to go to work - until I went to put my contact lenses in and I almost fell over.
So I had a day off, filled with delirious naps with my dog and Netflix episodes of Psych. I moved from my room to the living room to my parents room each time whatever space I was in got too hot or cold. I felt like this all day:
Plus nausea! Fun timez. But I'm back at work today, still slightly ehhh but I am still going out for happy hour with my friend and some of her coworkers. I mean, beer is good for you, right?
To good decisions!
awwww I love that lol cat pic at the top. I love reading the sayings off the icanhazcheeseburger website!!! cute blog!!! love it, following!
Adventures of Newlyweds