Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things I Need Tuesday

Boys and girls, welcome to the first installment of Liz's 

  • Spring work clothes
  • To go back in time and NOT eat what I just did at Chili's
  • A working AC
  • The ability to tan and not roast in the sun
  • An apartment
  • A duplicate license, since I lost mine in Boston and some 18-year-old twatface is probably now using it as a fake
  • To go to Versailles before I die
  • To actually work out when I plan to and not look for the tiniest excuse to like, nap instead
  • To not bring work-related stress home with me - I do NOT need to be worrying about your kid's flights when I'm trying to fall asleep at night!
  • Friends who watch Doctor Who, so I can FREAK OUT with them about the INSANE finale...any Whovians out there??  Pretty please?  I'll give you custard and fish fingers..
  • To have more nights with my friends like this:

Coop's watching the Bruins, bar food, and pitcher after pitcher of...ice water.  I mean, it's a work night!  I can't be drinking the beers and the alcohol, girl's gotta get up early.  But it was a lot, lot, lot of fun.

And there we have it.  All the things I need that I could think of off the top of my head on this Tuesday.  Tune in next week, for an even longer list of THINGS I NEED!

(PS: That picture up there represents greed.  Because I'm talking about superficial things I need.  I am deep, ya'll)


  1. Haha cute post!! I love the part about Chili's :)

  2. there is no1 as beautiful as you out there so therefore, no 18 year old twatwaffle is using your license!

    water does a body good

    ill find an apartment with you..as long as i can just free-load off of you..cuz ya know, i'm an unemployed asshole

